Electricians utilize a number of specialized tools when working with electrical components of a construction project. These tools not only perform specialized functions allowing the user to manipulate wire and other electrical components, but are also insulated to protect the user from electrical shock. While many electricians select their tools based on their own personal preferences, many of the tools are standard and will be found in the tool box of most electrical workers.
Pliers are available in numerous sizes and styles and most workers will have several in the tool box for specialized situations. Large slip-jaw pliers allow the worker to grasp larger items like conduit and pipe while smaller needle-nosed pliers allow access within close spaces like a junction box. Most pliers include a wire cutter function although many people choose to have specialized tools for that purpose. All pliers used in electrical work should be insulated to prevent inadvertent shock.
Just like pliers, most workers will have a variety of screwdrivers to fit different circumstances. At a minimum, the worker will want a couple of straight blade and a couple of Phillips screw drivers in different sizes. Many workers now also utilize a screwdriver with an interchangeable blade to handle screws with specialized heads. The handles of most screwdrivers provides insulation against electrical shock. Some screwdrivers include an insulated shaft offering further protection against shock.
Wire Cutters
Most electrical workers will be required to cut wires to length as a part of the job. Wire cutters of various sizes perform this function most efficiently with the larger cutters necessary for the larger gauge wire. Smaller wire cutters may also include a wire stripper function which removes the insulation from around the wire. Electrical workers specializing in heavy duty wiring projects may include large bolt cutter type tools in the tool box to cut extremely large wires or cables.
Standard Tools
Some of the tools in a electrician's tool box will be identical to those used by most carpenters. Most electrical workers will include a hammer, level and tape measure in their kit of equipment. These tools allow the construction worker to hammer junction boxes in place and keep light switches and outlets level. These tools are generally not specialized for the electrical construction trade. In addition, most electrical workers would have a wrench set and some other basic mechanical tools available for special circumstances such as working on a furnace or other device that uses electrical power.
Meters and Gauges
A meter that can measure voltage and resistance helps electrical workers troubleshoot problems. Use the meter to determine the voltage or amperage of electrical current to determine if the proper level of electricity is flowing through the circuit. Voltages that are too high or low can damage electric appliances. A resistance meter determines the load created by an electrical device. A continuity meter determines if the circuit is complete and does not include any breaks or shorts that would cause the electrical devices connected to the circuit to fail.
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